Political Prisoner Radio w/ former P.O.W Sekou Kambui

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Sekou Cinque T.M. Kambui (s/n William J. Turk) is a New Afrikan former political prisoner who was serving two consecutive life sentences for crimes he did not commit. He was recently released and will speak with us tonight.

Born on September 6, 1948, in Gasden, Alabama, Kambui is of Afrikan/Cherokee heritage. Throughout the 1960s, Sekou participated in the Civil Rights movement, mobilizing youth in Alabama and providing security for meetings of the Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC), Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). In 1967, Sekou became affiliated with the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense while living in Chicago and New York. Before returning home to Birmingham, Alabama, he became a member of the Republic of New Afrika. Once in Birmingham, he coordinated community organization activity with the Alabama Black Liberation Front, the Inmates for Action (IFA) and the Afro-Amerikan People’s Party in the mid-70s.

You can read more about this great warrior here, info provided by the Anarchist Black Cross Federation..

Political Prisoner Radio is a program that seeks to educate the public on the individual cases of political prisoners and prisoners of war being held by the United States government, many for decades under torturous conditions. It features former political prisoners, advocates, family members and organizations work to free these individuals. The program often discusses the historical political repression and social conditions that existed and still exist within the United States of America.

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