THIS JUST IN… The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) as expected decided not to file criminal charges against the officers involved in the shooting death of my sister in-law MIRIAM CAREY after “careful review of all crime scene evidence, ballistics reports, scene and traffic video footage, photographs, the autopsy report, scene and other evidence” according to a statement released today.
Their decision is based upon the fact that there is a legal requirement that shows the officers were “willfully negligent” or “used excessive force or possessed the requisite criminal intent at the time of the events,” they stated.
This enables us to turn the page and continue in our efforts seeking #AnswersForMiriamCarey about the exact events that transpired in the seven minutes between 2:13-2:20 p.m. on October 3, 2013.
As their nine-month investigation states there is “ballistics reports, scene and traffics video footage…and other evidence” which our legal team will now have access to in order to carefully review as we continue to pursue this matter. We are anxious to get closure by examining the facts and gaining a resolution to this terrible tragedy that continues to impact us everyday.
Next month on August 12th Miriam would be turning 35, her daughter Erica turns 2 six days later on August 18th (which is also my mother in-laws birthday). Thank you to those who have continue to reach out and share information and resources. You truly are appreciated.
This is a press release from a family member of Miriam Carey who shall remain anonymous due to online harassment from trolls.
You can read more about this miscarriage of justice in a report from WND.