WYMS Radio: The curious case of Jeremy Meeks

the revolution of the mind continues…

Let’s get down to the bottom of why Jeremy Meeks is suddenly the most hated and most loved dude in America right now.

Do we put a case of Jeremy for his half breed criminal shenanigans that landed him fame and maybe potential fortune… Or do we put a case of the general public for discriminating against a brother just cause he is “attractive”. Are people really mad that he is the American ideal of a “bad boy”? Can we put a case on all the bitchassed n*ggas who are whining about women wanting a convict when half of their asses are criminals as well? Why can’t a brother use what he has to get a LEGAL come up?

Why You Mad Son Radio Hosted by Cha-Boogie – with Co-hosts Nik Fatale, B-Easy, Craig G and Ms. 1 Hunnit. We discuss the week’s top stories in news, politics, current events and social ills from an Urban viewpoint. WYMS Radio is tapping into part of the angst of a generation and is the place for the progressive urbanite to vent. Every Tuesday at 10PM EST.

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