The C.O.W.S. Suey Park Reneged

Wednesday, June 11th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

listen-000000Suey Park was our scheduled guest for The Context of White Supremacy. She reneged on her agreement six minutes before we were scheduled to air live. Her booking agent, Alex Ngo, sited a breach of trust because they incorrectly assumed the title of our program. At no point did they request information about our broadcast – website, name of the program or archived content. This is highly unprofessional and discourteous, but not surprising. The System of White Supremacy is war. We continued the broadcast unabated with discussions on the recent shootings in Las Vegas, Nevada as well as the concept of a non-white “traitor.” We also discussed the importance of being cautious when sharing personal views on Racism with unknown non-white people. It can be a hazardous proposition.

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