Tanya Free and Friends Talk Show 3/12/2014

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 March 12, 2014 – 2:00PM EST

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This week’s topics:

  •  “What’s wrong with this picture” Marissa Alexander fired a warning shot in the air to ward off her estranged abusive husband and was sentenced to 20 years in prison after refusing a plea deal , which  could increase to 60 years in prison if convicted in a retrial. Former US Airman Michael Giles, who while defending himself from an unprovoked attack, fired one shot in the leg of his alleged attacker is serving 25 years in prison. George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin and Michael Dunn killed Jordan Davis with no conviction.  Again “What’s wrong with this picture?” What’s Your Take? Is it me or is there something seriously wrong with the picture in Florida?

Mrs. Phyllis Giles, the mother of Michael Giles will join the conversation this week.

  •  Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o recently shared with a crowd at a luncheon in Hollywood that she hasn’t always been comfortable in her own skin. What’s your take?  How do you think the lack of diversity on TV affects self esteem?

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  •  Parents beware!  An 18 year old senior has sued her parents for living expenses in addition to private school and college tuition after moving out of their house. The judge denied the request for high school tuition and current living expenses. Another hearing will be held in April to deal with the other issues in the suit, including college costs. What’s your take? Do you agree with the ruling of the case?

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