Michelle Obama says young people need to sign up for ACA because their “knuckle heads”
The First Lady took the opportunity to promote her husband’s signature legislation on an appearance this week on the “Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon. Mrs. Obama explained that it was more important for young people older than 26 to sign up for health insurance, which will depend on younger healthier participants to remain feasible.
Michelle Obama jokingly said, “A lot of young people think they’re invincible, but the truth is young people are knuckleheads” in pointing out that they young people often injure themselves in crazy accidents. She also said that young people could now purchase cheaper insurance.
“Now young people can get insurance for as little as $50 a month, less than the cost of gym shoes,” she explained.
The First Lady also pushed her “Let’s Move” campaign that seeks to get young people involved in healthier lifestyles that include regular exercise.