The C.O.W.S. Black Child Birth (UK)

Wednesday, February 12th 3:00PM Eastern/ 12:00PM Pacific


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The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Mr. X live from the UK. Mr. X is a black male born in the United Kingdom. He is a self taught digital photographer/retoucher and video director, editor, and post-production FX artist. He produced 60 music videos, filmed a litany of events and documentaries, 6 short films, and has received 2 Happy Soul Festival awards. Mr. X and his lovely wife are the proud parents of a healthy baby boy, born in January 2014. They conducted thorough research about natural child birth, and planned to have their first child without White people’s numerous medical concoctions. When mother’s water broke, her chosen birth center directed them to the hospital to make certain that she and son were healthy. Once in the clutches of White dominated hospital staff, the terror began. We’ll discuss how the medical staff continually pressured them to have a caesarean section and other unnecessary and potentially harmful procedures – procedures that would limit the number of future children Mr. X and his wife could have. 21st century eugenics.

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[The C.O.W.S. archives:]

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One Reply to “The C.O.W.S. Black Child Birth (UK)”

  1. The Racism in the UK is off the chain. I thought Black Couples were banned in the UK? Blacks in the UK don’t stand up to Whites. Where’s your Obama’s your Venus’ and Serena’s? Where are your Ice Cubes and Dr. Dre’s? Will and Jada’s? Oprah’s? Shame on the Blacks in the UK. You Brothers and Sista’s get with it and stop Coonin’.


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