Video: Florida theater shooting involving retired cop


By Scotty Reid – Curtis Reeves, the 71-year-old ex-police officer who stands accused of shooting a man after instigating an argument with him over texting on a cell phone inside a Florida movie theater was denied bail today and will remain in custody after a judge’s ruling. Video, which partially shows the shooting, was played in the Florida courtroom today along with the testimony from prosecution witnesses. The prosecution portrayed Reeves as a hothead and loose cannon in making arguments against granting him bail.

Reeves claimed that the victim Chad Oulson had struck him in the face prompting him to use deadly force but Reeves’s wife, Vivian Reeves when asked under oath if she witnessed Oulson striking her husband she replied no.

In police interviews of Reeves after the shooting, Reeves claimed that if given another chance to do it all over, he and his wife would have simply changed seats.

Reeves told police, “”If I had to do it over again, it never would’ve happened. We would’ve moved, but you don’t get do-overs, I was defending myself. It doesn’t make it any easier for me to accept it, but that’s what I was doing.”

The next court hearing in the case is scheduled for March 12.

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