BTR News: Ann Coulter and Dinesh D’Souza, taking out the racist trash

1-24-2014 6-49-21 PM

January 24, 2014 – 9:00 PM EST

Tonight on Black Talk Radio News w/ Scotty Reid, Ann Coulter was on Piers Morgan the other night blatantly lying about the topic of cannabis legalization. The woman may have been drinking, as she could not keep here thoughts together which she blamed on Morgan but after making one statement about drug users, in the next sentence she contradicted what she had just said. All kinds of right wing racist dog whistles were blown by Coulter.

Dinesh D’Souza considered a victim of racism by some based on his status as a non-white person but we are going to have to redefine our definitions of victims. D’Souza is a racially showcased political pundit and many would consider him a vile racist. Anyway, D’Souza may end up on the prison plantation unless he cuts a deal for his alleged violations of campaign finance laws.  D’Souza was arraigned in a federal court today on two related charges stemming from illegal campaign donations.

Update on the case of the cop in Charlotte, NC who went un-indicted by a Grand Jury for voluntary manslaughter stemming from his shooting an unarmed injured man 10 times.

Black Talk Radio News w/ Scotty Reid focuses on the global social/political news and issues of the day from a Black perspective.

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One Reply to “BTR News: Ann Coulter and Dinesh D’Souza, taking out the racist trash”

  1. Coulter favors booze and cigarettes because she drinks and smokes. She outlaws marijuana because she doesn’t personally like it. Everything revolves around Coulter, as pointed out in the book, Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, available at

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