The C.O.W.S. President Barack Obama’s DREAMS FROM MY FATHER Study Session Part III

Thursday, November 9th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy hosts the second study session on President Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father. Unfortunately, the audio book is abridged, so there may be critical information in the text that’s not included in the audio. That said, we will continue to evaluate what messages are being communicated to White readers and what confusion is being simultaneously transmitted to non-white readers. We’ll President Obama describe his time in Chicago. He offers a number of poignant moments where he seems to evidence an accurate understanding of White Supremacy/Racism.



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The C.O.W.S. Radio Program is specifically engineered for black & non-white listeners – Victims of White Supremacy. The purpose of this program is to provide Victims of White Supremacy with constructive information and suggestions on how to counter Racist Woman & Racist Man.

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