The C.O.W.S. Jeffrey Dahmer: Study in White Supremacy, Necrophilia

Tuesday, December 13th 7:00PM Eastern/ 4:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Bob Dvorchak. An award-winning writer, Mr. Dvorchak worked for forty-four years as a journalist with Uniontown Newspapers Inc., the Associated Press, and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. We’ll dicuss his 1991 biography (Milwaukee Massacre) on serial killer, canibal and White Supremacist Suspect, Jeffrey Dahmer. Now deceased, Dahmer was convicted of 15 counts of murder – which included the murder and dismemberment of non-white Victims. We’ll discuss how White Supremacy/Racism impacted these killings and what would lead Neely Fuller, Jr. to assert that Dahmer represents the essence of White Supremacy/Racism.


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