Racism lawsuit filed against NYC and The MET over portrait of “Aryan Jesus”

12-2-2015 2-28-33 PM

A lawsuit was filed on November 30, 2015 in the US District Court Southern District of New York accusing the City of New York and The Metropolitan Museum of Art of practicing racism by displaying artwork of an “Aryan Jesus”.

The plaintiff Justin Renel Joseph in his suit claims that among other things, he was subjected to psychological and emotional harm on November 26, 2015 at The MET after viewing the “Racist Artworks” pertaining to the historic and public figure known as “Jesus” which he found to be anti-Semitic, racist and an offensive whitewashing which amounts to cultural theft being endorsed by the City of New York.

Mr. Joseph who is of African and Hebrew descent and a Christian says that by permanently displaying the historically inaccurate racist depictation of a “blonde haired, fair-skinned Aryan male” makes him feel “rejected” and “unacepted” by society.

Black Talk Radio Network has obtained a copy of the filing which can be viewed online.

12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM
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One Reply to “Racism lawsuit filed against NYC and The MET over portrait of “Aryan Jesus””

  1. I don’t get your point @Robert Walsh. Are you giving information in support of the article? Or are you stating your point to counter attack the article? Or are you saying the article (lawsuit against NYC) is pointless?

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