Cincinnati Police Chief cites fear of uprising in swift decision
By Scotty Reid
Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell cited fear of an uprising like Ferguson, Baltimore and Cincinnati in 2001 for the quick decision in the Samuel Dubose killing. Blackwell indicated that when cops commit crimes they should be treated like anyone else who is accused of committing a crime. Blackwell said the investigation was aggressive, it was timely, it was transparent and the prosecutor made the right call because the evidence supports the first degree murder charge. Chief Blackwell also stated that it is unfortunate that egregious acts by cops keep happening.
When announcing the charges against Ray Tensing, the white University of Cincinnati police officer who shot and killed Dobose, Hamilton County prosecutor Joe Deters blasted the cop saying “he purposely killed him”. The prosecutor also added that it was “the most asinine act I’ve ever seen a police officer make.”
It is always a good day for me, when justice
is being served on behalf of our black people.
Job well done, Mr. Joe Deter. keep speaking
truth to power.