Charlotte cop who killed an unarmed Jonathan Ferrell not indicted by grand jury
By Scotty Reid
Just last week when I reported on my radio program Black Talk Radio News that the City of Charlotte waited an awful long time to seek an indictment against the Charlotte, North Carolina white police officer who shot and killed unarmed Jonathan Ferrell, that an indictment from a grand jury was no guarantee.
I was proved correct in my skepticism when it was reported today that a Charlotte, NC grand jury refused to indict Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police officer Randall Kerrick. The jury felt that the charge of voluntary manslaughter was too much and asked for lesser charges. While the local NAACP was calling for 1st degree murder charges, I felt that was not justified by the facts presented to the public and I was afraid that if the killer cop was overcharged, he would not be indicted or the state would not be able to prove its case and another killer would be set loose on the street.
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police department did not try to drag out an investigation into the killing and after concluding its investigation recommended that one of their own be charged. Too often we see cover ups behind the blue gang line that exists in law enforcement departments across the country. However, sadly, even when cops are charged with crimes, far too many citizens hold cops above the law.
We cannot discount the possibility of racism being at play either. Jonathan Ferrell was first victimized by the white woman he sought help from after wrecking his car who saw him as a threat and not an injured man seeking help. She did not bother to listen to the man through the door as he pleaded for help but immediately jumped on the phone to call the police and give a false report about a Black man trying to kick in her door.
Armed with a false report and a gun, Kerrick rushed to the scene and without checking on the woman who made the report, rushed to where Jonathan Ferrell was being confronted by two other officers who pulled their tasers instead of their pistols. Kerrick fired ten rounds into the chest of an unarmed Ferrell.
The jury asked for lesser charges but the North Carolina Attorney General has other plans as indicated in a press release after the jury refused to indict Kerrick.
“Today, our prosecutors learned that the grand jury that considered the indictment on charges of voluntary manslaughter was less than a full panel,” said North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper.
Prosecutors plan to take the case before a full grand jury and resubmit the indictment.
Officer Randall Kerrick remains suspended without pay and CMPD says his status will not change at this time.